I’m a mum of one, partner, and all out supporter and cheerleader of women in business. I’ve been told I’m pragmatic, honest (sometimes too honest!), fun and easy to talk to (which is lucky being a coach).
Today I bring all my experience in training, mentoring, coaching and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), together -working with women in group and 1:1 settings, to help them have the business they want in a way they love.
If you’re running your own business, then YOU are the heart of it – and if you are not ‘ok’ then neither is your business. I am all about helping women to thrive rather than simply survive whilst building their dream business. To have that business without the overwhelm and not lead by ‘should’, ‘must do’ or follow the crowd, but from the heart; in a balanced, realistic and completely doable way.
I want every aspiring business woman to have choice, be empowered and most importantly, to be fully supported in their journey to success. Trying to do it alone doesn’t work and quite frankly it’s hard.
So, where does this passion come from? – The truth behind the ‘Networking Success Face’
Whilst running a networking group for a few years, I did an unofficial study of the women coming along to promote their businesses. What I saw was the ‘Networking Success Face’ – lippy applied, success smile and positive words about how the business was going – all very impressive! But not the whole story by far….
As I got to know them, they revealed the reality which was driven by panic, fear, doubt and loneliness!
Instead of action, there was procrastination and time wasting – money and time spent on expensive quick fixes or magic bullets that failed, courses or expertise they weren’t ready for, leading ultimately to loss of confidence in themselves, their abilities and the business they were trying to grow.
Add to this the questions from others about their chosen path, the success they’re not getting and perhaps pressure to earn more, those pesky thoughts about getting a J.O.B began to take centre stage again.
I was working with these ladies helping them with confidence and mind-set, as well as the practical business planning, time management etc. and it was hugely satisfying to see the shifts and growth, as it is today.
But I still had the ‘networking face’ nagging at me – I wanted to offer tangible help and support on a wider basis, to reach more women. To provide the kind of support and connection I would have loved, and something that would have saved me a whole heap of time and money too.
Networking alone didn’t hit the spot!
I looked into online programmes – as everyone seemed to be saying that’s the way to go, and tried to bend myself and my non-techie brain into that shape. It didn’t work – I resisted and resisted whilst at the same time plugging away.
However, on what must have been my 100th webinar (well it felt like it), learning about putting programmes together, I had a massive ‘Aha’ moment when the host said ‘do what you love, in a way you love’.
I love to be outside, walking in nature; to be connected – sharing and bouncing ideas with other like-minded women, not sitting on my own, at a desk, behind a computer.
And so, the seed was planted…Walk&Talk4Success is a dynamic and growing community of women with businesses who want and value those things that I wanted, something more than networking, something deeper that inspires, motivates and encourages them to get on and do what’s important. They want a safe and honest environment so they can open up, build friendships and get the support they really need, every day.
It’s helping these women, women like you, to believe in them-selves, to shine and thrive in their business and have the success they’ve long desired, that gets me up every morning with a spring in my step.
I’d love you to come and try our community and see how we can help you.
As women, we need connection and to feel heard and supported in order to be our best and that is what I want for every business woman out there so she never has to think about getting a J.O.B unless she wants to.
The only way to really find out what we’re about and whether you feel you’d benefit from joining us is to come and try us as a guest.